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Adopting A New Dog

From Kennel To Home


In the first 3 days your new dog will be overwhelmed with their new surroundings. They will not be comfortable enough to be themselves. Don't be alarmed if they don't want to eat for the first few days, many dogs don't eat when they're stressed.
In the first 3 days your new dog will be overwhelmed with their new surroundings. They will not be comfortable enough to be themselves. Don't be alarmed if they don't want to eat for the first few days, many dogs don't eat when they're stressed.
After 3 weeks they're atarting to settle in, feeling more comfortable, and realizing this really may be their forever home. They have figured out their environment and are getting into the routine you have set. They let their guard down and may start showing their real personality.
After 3 weeks they're atarting to settle in, feeling more comfortable, and realizing this really may be their forever home. They have figured out their environment and are getting into the routine you have set. They let their guard down and may start showing their real personality.
After 3 months your dog is now completely comfortable in their home. YOu have built trust and a true bond with your dog, which will give them a complete sense of security with you. They are set in their routine and will come to expect dinner at their usual time.
After 3 months your dog is now completely comfortable in their home. YOu have built trust and a true bond with your dog, which will give them a complete sense of security with you. They are set in their routine and will come to expect dinner at their usual time.